Saturday, October 18, 2014

Jason X (2001)

Jason is being held captive in a research facility as scientists are trying to figure out a cure to him cell regeneration capabilities.

He was due to be put into a cryogenic state but has escaped, resulting in a murderous rampage within the facility.

He is eventually trapped into a chamber and frozen, only to be thawed and awoken in the year 2455 by a crew of explorers.

Directed by James Issac, written by Todd Farmer and starring Chuck Campbell, Lisa Ryder, Lexa Doig and Kane Hodder in his forth and final role as Jason Voorhees.

I have only seen this movie once in the past when it played on the "Space" channel at around 2 am one weekend but recalled Jason's transformation having happened sooner in the movie which apparently does not happen till there is roughly an house left in the film.

I was not a huge fan of it back then due to it's Sci-fi aspect, which I am a fan of now, but moving on, I do remember however enjoying the make over Jason had gotten after his death.

On this viewing I found that I enjoyed it much more than I anticipated. The mix between a high budget horror film and a low budget sci-fi movie was a perfect match for my tastes.

The thing I was unimpressed with was the fact that Jason seemed much more powerful and evil as his old self than after his transformation. You would figure a guy made of some sort of metallic substance, with an even more powerful level of strength and a bad ass look would kick more ass than ever before.

Unfortunately for us, this was not the case and new look Jason did not even get to physically kill anybody, which soured the whole new look experience.

Other than this I truly enjoyed it. It was basically a major slasher set in space but I enjoyed pretty much all of it giving this one a 6.5 out of 10.

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Have a great day!

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