Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

This is the original, 1974 version of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Created, produced and written by Tobe Hooper, it is one of the greatest horror movies ever made and has influenced most of the horror movies, and their iconic killer characters you know and love today.

It stars Marilyn Burns, Paul A. Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim, Siedow, Terri McMinn and Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface.
This movie practically wrote the book on how slasher films should be presented in order to get the best scare factor as well as storyline layout.

The basis for this movie, if you have not heard about it before, is a group of teens are out on a road trip to find an old family home when they decide to pick up a hitch hiker. He, of course, turns out to be bat shit crazy.

After a small series of events, and the hitch hiker's assault on one of the teen's, they boot him out of the van and carry on to find the home.

But, what they found instead was the sadistic, chain saw wielding maniac Leatherface and his family of psychotic killers.

This has it all, the gore, the screaming, the scary-as-hell murderer, the soundtrack, the storyline and an amazing final scene that will leave you on the edge of your seat cheering to find out "what's next?"

I can not express how much this movie means to me. Without this movie, some of your favorite killer icons would surely not be around today. The genre itself would not have had the significant impact it did in the 70's and 80's had this film not been made or accepted as widely as it had been right from the get go, inspiring dozens of future directors and screenplay writers to follow in Tobe Hooper's footsteps.

I also have to mention the amazing performances by Marilyn Burns (Sally) And Gunner Hanson (Leatherface). Without their superb acting skills, this movie would not have had the cultural impact that it did. Watching both of them in the final scene proves how great they were in both their roles and that how something so simple, could end up having such a large impact on the world.

Now without rambling on more than I already have, I give the 1974 original Texas Chain saw Massacre an easy 10 out of 10. Check it out and find out for yourselves why this film has inspired many people to do what they are doing today in the industry including special effects design.

And as per the normal close, I would like to thank you all for reading and feel free to comment, e-mail ( or follow us on the tweets @horrorshoot!

Have a great day!

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