Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

The Exorcist II: The Heretic is the sequel to the ever popular William Friedkin film, The Exorcist.

It once again follows Regan Macneil 4 years after the traumatic events of the first film and focuses it's attention on the effects the exorcism have left on her subconsciously.

Directed by John Boorman and stars Linda Blair, Louise Fletcher, Max von Sydow, Kitty Winn and James Earl Jones.

This entry in the Exorcist film trilogy is the only one which is not based from one of William Peter Blatty's novel and was deemed, hands down, the worse film in the franchise by fans and critics alike.

For years, after seeing the first film all my focus and attention was on finding a copy of this no matter the cost. I had searched my home town high and low without any results, not even a thing available by order from my local video store which made things even harder for me.

But one faithful night, I had been awakened around 3 am and could no longer return to sleep. I took this opportunity to turn the television on and see what nonsense was playing in the wee hours of the morning and to my surprise, there it was! The Exorcist II: The Heretic.

And once it was done. I realized I had just wasted years of my life searching for something that turned out to be a completely useless and pointless pile of trash!

A portion of the story line is a very, very cheap rip off of the first film and the rest of it made no sense at all! I understand it's a horror movie and that some things won't make a lick of sense at times but this was just ridiculous. At least try to stay in the realm of reality to a certain degree!

The biggest thing that upset me about the film was the "Regan Vs." scene at the end of the film. The graphics were questionable and the idea behind it was just crazy.

What I did like about this film however was the concept of the synchronizer. Take out the religious aspect and the idea of demonic possession and an obvious title change. Then throw in a few new ideas that will coincide with the device being used and you have got yourself a a decent science fiction flick.

With all this combined, I would have to give this Exorcist sequel a 3 out of 10. It's bearable to watch if you really want to do so, but it will leave you shaking your head by the time you hit the final scene.

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Have a great day!

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