Monday, January 12, 2015

Hellraiser (1987)

Hellraiser is a 1987 film written and directed by horror icon Clive Barker and was based off of his novella "The Hellbound Heart".

Starring Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins, Sean Chapman, Ashley Laurence and Doug Bradley.

After solving a mysterious puzzle box he purchased, Frank Cotton mistakenly summons a group of Cenobites who take him back to hell with them to torture him for eternity. But after a small household accident causes Franks brother to bleed onto the floor where his brother was killed, he ends up making an escape from hell by rising from the dead.

Seeing this movie yet again after all these years has made the story line very plain and very long for me. The reason I enjoy it so much is because of the amazing special effects. No matter how bored I get with the plot, I know that the effects of the kill scenes, the cenobites and the body rebuild (if you have seen it you know exactly what I mean) will always get me excited to watch this film. There is just so much to appreciate in it.

I will be honest with you, I had a hard time writing the plot for this film in a manner that would not ruin it for anybody as the story line is pretty thin and straight to the point.

Now, I don't want to go out and say that this is a boring movie next to the effects. I only sound like I am speaking this way due to the fact I have seen it a minimum of 60 times now and know it inside and out.

For someone who has not seen it in years or who has never seen it at all, I can guarantee that they will love it all around, plot, dialogue, effects and the iconic characters such as Pinhead. And I say this with the utmost confidence. Eight sequels can't be wrong can they?

Based on my history with this film I would give it a lower rating as the story did not hold up for me and I found myself getting bored very quickly but once again the special effect came in to save the day and locked down a 6 out of 10 for the original flick.

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Have a great day!

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