Friday, September 26, 2014

The Last Exorcism (2010)

While filming a documentary, a preacher who is renowned for performing Exorcisms with a perfect success rate, get invited to the Sweetzer Farm to preform his final exorcism and to display to the documentary crew, how he is scamming these people.

But after a fake attempt at exorcising the demon fails, the preacher finds out the hard way that demonic possession is all too real.

I wouldn't exactly consider this a horror movie per say. There are not too many scare factors in this film next to a few gruesome looking scenes which included a bit of well placed gore.

The story was very easy to follow. So easy in fact, that they literally explained to you what was going to happen and how it would happen about 20 minutes prior to it being done. This made is obviously predictable and of course kills the ending for anybody who was paying attention to the film.

The documentary movie style has been over played for years now. But they were able to get some fresh, newly innovative scenes in when they had the young possessed girl take hold of the camera to show, first hand, what she has been capable of doing.

The ending was easily a mix of several stolen movies, including the Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby and a little bit of It's alive with a hint of Children of the Corn.
The shock factor or gotcha scenes were never used throughout the film and could have been a quick and easy way, if used properly, to have made this movie actually qualify as a horror film or even a thriller.

On the plus side, this was filmed beautifully, with the exceptions of a few of the night scenes which were much too dark to get anything out of them.

I have to give this movie 3 out of 10. If you are talking about possession, you need to scare me at least once throughout the hour and a half I'm investing in your movie. Especially if said film is sitting in the horror section of Netflix.

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Have a great day!

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