Saturday, September 27, 2014

Exorcismus (2010)

Exorcismus follows two stories. One of which is about a teenage girl named Emma who starts going through a series of odd events, most of which she can not remember having happened to her.

She believes it has something to do with her recent use of illicit drugs, but soon finds out she is dealing with a much stronger force.

The second story is about Emma's uncle, a priest who has been excommunicated from the church following an unfortunate event in which a young girl had died while an exorcism was being perfomed on her.

Directed by Manuel Carballo, written by David Munos and starring Tommy Bastow, Stephen Billington, Doug Bradley and Sophie Vavasseur.

The begining of this movie really sucked me in and got me wanting more right from the get go. A lot of the scenes that they show you from the start are bits and pieces of how the story has unfolded, so as the film progresses you start putting different scenes together to come up with new conclusions as to what started Emma's whole situation.

The procedure for the exorcism was done in a neat manner where they did different sessions and when Emma was back to "normal" after completion her sessions, she would be at the dinner table eating. This helped them avoid going the "feeding tube" route.

This I really liked because it also allowed Emma to leave her home and progress the story line in other aspects.

Most of the story was fun to follow and watch till you arrive to the end of the film. The last 15 minutes in particular you notice the quality of the story drop dramatically as well as the quality of the effects used. The idea behind the ending was good, it just did not play out as well as they thought it would.

For the most part the film was good with the exception of the aformentioned ending, I will admit however that it was not a finish that I was at all expecting to see, nor did I think I would ever see in a film of this nature.

I believe this film is deserving of a 5 out of 10 due to how it played out but again, and I can not stress this enough, the ending should have been restructured and due to that, it's giving it an obviously lower rating.

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Have a great day!

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