Thursday, September 18, 2014

Suspiria (1977)

Suspiria is the story of an American dancer who takes an available spot in a world renowned German dance school in order to improve her abilities.

But the dance academy seems to only be a front for something much worse and much more evil.

Directed by Dario Argento, co-written by Dario Argento and Daria Nicolodi, Starring Flavio Bucci, Stephania Casini and Jessica Harper as Suzi Bannion.

I bought this movie in 2003 when I was working in the electronics department at the local Zeller's store. I found it among several other classic horror movie titles in a boxing day bargain bin.

Because I worked there, I had first dibs on any of the goods that our bargain bins had to offer and sure enough, I stocked up on everything that was deemed scary.

Now, this is where my dilemma came into play. I was unable to ever get into this film. No matter how many times I have tried to do it, I could only get about half way into it and without a second thought, I would turn it off.

Because of this, I decided to go to the internet and explain my thoughts on a forum and got blasted by about 50 different people when I said it was one of the most boring movies in the genre that I have seen thus far.

I then packed it up and never spoke of that day again. Until now.

People have been referencing this movie a lot lately for whatever random reasons, so I decided that my being 10 years older  I would give it another shot and see if my opinion has changed at all.

Especially after watching the entire film this time around.

Unfortunately, the same issues that I had suffered from in the past, seem to be the same problems I am currently having with watching this movie. A good portion of the scenes are played out for an unnecessarily long period of time which seems to makes this painfully long for me.

Any time a scene starts up that could lead to a cool kill or gore filled event, we are graced with a lot of bright light and colors which just threw me right out of the movie. It reminds me of some sort of weird art picture that you would find at any specialized film festival.

I understand this thing has a cult following but I can't suggest this film as something good to watch. I don't care who hates me for it and that's cause it's my opinion and nobody else's.

It's a really odd movie all around and not anything I will ever be watching again, so I believe a 1.5 out of 10 will suffice from me. The death scenes were pretty neat but dragged out way too long, which ruined any of their effects on me.

Other than that I seriously could not get into it no matter how hard I tried and will honestly have to say, I am disappointed that so many people tried to bash me over 10 years ago about this thing when I was right about it this entire time.

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Have a great day!

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